Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Beginning of a New Era Perhaps?

Dates back to the Xanga. The Live Journal. I know I had both of those and posted nearly day after day. It was a nice thing to just say how your day went, what was on your mind, just anything you felt like typing you typed. I've never been a fan of myspace blogging, only once in awhile. Hopefully this new "fad" will be marvelous. I know I enjoy reading what other people speak from their mind on various subjects, or just seeing how their day or week went.

And so a new thing begins....



dK. or Kaydee. said...

Welcome to the world of blogging.

Robin said...

bubbaaaaaaaa!!! <3

glad to know I'm not the only one jumping on the blogging bandwagon these days ;)

thewhisper said...

Bubbs, I haven't been on Xanga since... eighth grade. Sheesh.

Read my blog.

Anonymous said...

And so it begins...